Küllike Remmel


Küllike has practised accounting for almost 30 years and gained experience from working with numerous different companies. She is happy to share her knowledge and experience with clients and colleagues. Küllike obtained education in accountancy in Vinni Technical School which was the predecessor of Lääne-Viru College; from there on she has constantly developed her professional skills at various courses and in-service training.

In recent years Küllike has specialised in accounting for investment entities; the challenges of recording the transactions of such companies are part of her everyday work routine. Words like shares, options, consolidation etc are not unfamiliar to her.


Investments, service sector, retail and wholesale, non-profit organisations, apartment associations.

Software used

Directo, StandardBooks, Merit, TAAVI Payroll

Clients and colleagues about her

Küllike is very correct in her work and other undertakings. She can place herself in another person’s situation and understand it to the core. Küllike is joyful and active by nature, and a great mixer in social gatherings.